There are 2 ways to describe passive voice for future actions
Changing Simple Future and Continuous future Sentences to Passive
1. Simple Future Sentences
[Subject (P) or (S)] + [Vf] + []
Vf = Futufre Verb, eg : Can, Will, Must, Should, May, Might (p) = take (Verb – simple present plural), S = Singular, P = Plural
Examples :
- I can go there tomorrow
- She can go there tomorrow
2. Future Continuous Sentences
[ I ] + [ Vf ] + [ be ] + [ Vc ]
[ Subject (S) ] + [ Vf ] + [ be ] + [ Vc ]
[ Subject (P) ] + [ Vf ] + [ be ] + [ Vc ]
Vc = Continuous Verb, eg : taking, S = Singular, P = Plural
Note : Where necessary, will be can also be replaced with : can be, should be, must be, would be etc
Examples :
- eg : I will be taking, She will be taking
- eg : They will be taking
Passive Statement / Answer
Both Simple future and Continuous future change to the following :
[I] + [Vf] + [be] + [Vp]
[Subject (S)] + [Vf] + [be] + [Vp]
[Subject (P)] + [Vf] + [be] + [Vp]
Eg : Passive / Active
- I will be fetched (by my sister) / My sister will fetch me
- She will be fetched by her father / Her father will fetch her
- They will be fetched by their parents / Their parents will fetch them
- The seminar will be conducted by me / I will be conducting the seminar
- The seminar will be conducted by her / She will be conducting the seminar
- The seminar will be conducted by them / they will be conducting a seminar
Passive Question :
[Vf] + [I] + [be] + [Vp]
[Vf] + [Subject (S)] + [be] + [Vp]
[Vf] + [Subject (P)] + [be] + [Vp]
Eg : Passive / Active
- Will I be fetched by her? / Will she fetch me?
- Will she be fetched by her father? / Will her father fetch her?
- Will they be fetched by their parents? / Will their parents fetch her?
- Will I be invited by her? / Will she be inviting me?
- Will she be invited by them? / Will they be inviting her?
- Will they be invited by her? / Will she be inviting them?
Changing Future Continuous + Simple sentences to Passive
3. Future Continuous + Simple Sentences
[I] + [am] + [going to] + []
[Subject (S)] + [is] + [going to] + []
[Subject (P)] + [are] + [going to] + []
Vs.p r(p)= Simple present (plural) Verb, eg : take, S = Singular, P = Plural
- eg : I am going to take
- eg : She is going to take
- eg : they are going to take
Passive Statement / Answer
[I] + [am] + [going to be] + [Vp]
[Subject (S)] + [is] + [going to be] +[Vp]
[Subject (P)] + [are] + [going to be] + [Vp]
Eg : Passive / Active
- I am going to be promoted soon / They are going to promote me soon
- She is going to be promoted soon / They are going to promote her soon
- They are going to be promoted soon / He is going to promote them soon
Passive Question :
[Am] + [I] + [going to be] + [Vp]
[Is] + [Subject (S)] + [going to be] +[Vp]
[Are] + [Subject (P)] + [going to be] + [Vp]
Eg : Passive / Active
- Am I going to be promoted soon? / Are they going to promote me soon?
- Is she going to be promoted soon? / Are they going to promote her soon?
- Are they going to be promoted soon? / Is he going to promote them soon?