Hospitality English Program
This lesson is about writing Future simple and continuous Questions and Answers using Singular & Plural subjects
Duration : 90 minutes
Learning Outcome
At the end of this lesson, you must be able to :
- Identify Singular Subject and know how to use it with Future Simple or Continuous Verb
- Identify and use Singular Subject with Future Simple Verb in Question and Answer
- Identify and use Singular Subject with Future Continuous Verb and Non-verb in Question and Answer
Reference : Chapter 3
Exercise 6a : Hospitality English Communication
Part 1 (Individual work)
Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer based on the verb or non-verb used in the questions
- What time will you clean my room ? We will clean your room at 10am.
- What time can you send my laundry ? We can send it tomorrow morning Sir.
- Can we clean your room, Sir? Yes, you may clean my room now.
- Will you be here at 11 am? Yes, I will be there at 11am.
- Can you send an ironing board ? Certainly Sir, We can send it now.
- When can you check the air-cond? The technician will check it in 10 minutes.
- How can we use the deposit box? You can read the instruction.
- When can the manager come here? He can come here now Sir
- Can you explain this note in English? Yes, I can explain it to you
- Can she explain this to me ? Yes, She can explain it too.
Part 2 (Group Work)
Using subject He, She or Singular subject (eg : the customer), write 10 future sentences about :
Housekeeping activities
- (simple verb) Q : Can she clean my room?
- (simple verb) A : Yes, she can clean your room
- (simple verb) Q : When will she change my bedsheet
- (simple verb) A : She will change it when she cleans the room
- (cont verb) Q : What will she be using to clean?
- (cont verb) A : She will only be using safe chemical
- (adjective) Q : Will she be happy to do it?
- (adjective) A : Yes, she will be very happy to do it
- (prep / noun) Q : When can she be there?
- (prep / noun) A : She can be there after lunch